4th Sunday of Lent

Post date: Mar 17, 2012 1:56:24 PM

Dear Friends,

Fr Chris Cook M.H.M. although in hospital and very ill, is making some progress and they hope he will return home. Please pray for him. I am told that, although not in Europe but from Africa and India etc the M.H.MISSIONARIES have more vocations today than in all of their history.

ON THURSDAY, 29TH MARCH at 7 pm OUR NEXT LENT TALK – by Fr. Bill Dobson on ‘A Missionary thinks about Lent and Easter’

All donations given to CAFOD this Lent will be matched by the Government, so Please be generous. You can take and use C.A.F.O.D. envelopes all of Lent and just put them in the collection plate. Please also remember KIKAMBALA in Lent.

THIS FRIDAY Stations of the Cross in Church at 3 pm, AT THE TIME Christ died on the Cross. The Franciscans walk the VIA DOLOROSA, in Jerusalem, every Friday of the year with those on Pilgrimage. You can also do the stations privately if you wish.

CLOTHING GUILD MASS 10 am on Friday, 30th March, followed by sorting and coffee in the Dining Room. All are welcome to bring two new items of clothing; they will be forwarded to be distributed to those in need.

The Annual General Meeting of the CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE is this Wednesday, 21st March, at 7 pm in the Presbytery. Mrs Teresa Wiseman, East Anglia CWL Branch Vice-President, will be at the meeting. Everyone is welcome. 

The “Singles” group will meet this month at the “Running Horse, on Thursday, 29th March (12.30 for 1.00 pm). Please let Janet know if you intend to be there (01485 528489

HOLY WEEK WEDNESDAY [APRIL 4TH] MASS OF THE BLESSING OF HOLY OILS AT THE CATHEDRAL. This year Cardinal Cormac Murphy O’Connor will be celebrating this Mass. It is very important that we know the numbers wishing to attend as soon as possible. A list is in the Church. If you wish to join the coach to the cathedral, names and telephone number please.


Weekly Collection: Loose £211.55 Gift Aid £227.00 Total £438.55 KIKAMBALA £67. Our weekly need is truly about £500. 1/3 of our money goes to the Diocese. Please plan your giving before Mass and be as generous as you can. If you pay tax please covenant, as we receive another 28p in the £1. Covenant Officer John Morling on 01328 700575. Thank you all very much.

I am always available to visit you at home, bless the house etc.