7th Sunday

Post date: Feb 17, 2012 7:41:07 PM

Dear Friends,


I am sorry to inform you of the death of David Leng who died last Sunday. David was a good parishioner at St Anthony’s Church. He has been in Crammer House a number of years. His funeral is on Tuesday at 11 am.


This Sunday there is a Second Collection for SPUC.  It is also a Day of Prayer for the Unemployed.


Lent begins this Wednesday, ASH WEDNESDAY, which is a day of Fasting and Abstinence.

The time for Easter Confessions and Communions runs from Ash Wednesday to Trinity Sunday.


This Wednesday, the S.V.P. meet in the Presbytery after evening  Mass.  New members would be very welcome.  


WONDERING what God is calling you to do with your life? The Diocese is running a new discernment group called the 'Samuel Group' for single people in their 20s and 30s. It will meet in Cambridge, but is open to anyone from East Anglia. For further information contact Fr. John Warrington, Tel. 01473 728115 Email: vocations@east-angliadiocese.org.uk



Are on sale in Church at the reduced price of £3 each.


BIBLE ALIVE FOR FEBRUARY is also on sale in the Church this Sunday at £1.95 each.


Women’s World Day of Prayer is on Friday, 2nd March at 2.30pm in the Methodist Church, prepared by Christian Women of Malaysia.  


The Singles Group will meet for lunch this month at “The Oak Inn”, on Oak Street, Fakenham, on Thursday, 23rdFebruary, 12.30 for 1.00 pm.

3 courses - £9.95 Please let Janet know if you are going to be there (01485 528489)


Weekly Collection: Loose £161.50. Gift Aid £294.55  Total £456.05.  Catholic Education £35.80 Our weekly need is trulyabout £500. 1/3 of our money goes to the Diocese. Please plan your giving before Mass and be as generous as you can. If you pay tax please covenant, as we receive another 28p in the £1. Covenant Officer John Morling on 01328 700575. Thank you all very much.


I am always available to visit you at home, bless the house etc.


Fr. Tony Webb.