Corpus Christi

Post date: Jun 8, 2012 3:59:21 PM

Click here for mass times.

Dear Friends,

Please remember in your prayers John Morling’s mother, Ethel Morling. who died aged 91 on Wednesday, 30th May.

I hope you all enjoyed the long Jubilee weekend. At present I have been unable to find transport for a Parish mini-bus outing. Any ideas please?

THIS SUNDAY IS CORPUS CHRISTI. All Special Ministers are asked to renew their commitment on this Sunday, after the Homily and before the Bidding prayers.

VERY URGENT We need more VOLUNTEERS to help with cleaning the Church, male or female, two hours every 10 weeks. Please call Christine Nowak on 01328 856557.

PAM HUGHES needs more old greetings cards please, as she has used up all she has. Thank you.

Ben Grist, one of our students at Oscott College in Birmingham is ill. Please pray for him.

Copies of the new Parish Mass Book are available for sale at the back of Church at £1.50 each.

The S.V.P. meet in the Presbytery on Wednesday at 7.15 pm. New members welcome.

TEACHING POSITIONS ON DIOCESAN WEBSITE: Our diocesan website links you to the Schools Section, where teaching jobs are advertised. It is updated all the time, so is a very useful resource. Currently being advertised are two Head teacher posts:

1. St Bede’s Inter-church Secondary School, Cambridge

2. St Felix Catholic Primary School, Haverhill.

Weekly Collection: Loose £211.75, Gift Aid £279.14 Total £490.89. Kikambala £52.22. Second Collection for Priests Training Fund in April £103.62. Our weekly need is about £500. 1/3 of our money goes to the Diocese. Please plan your giving before Mass and be as generous as you can. If you pay tax please covenant, as we receive another 25p in the £1. For more details contact Covenant Officer John Morling on 01328 700575.

I am always available to visit you at home, bless the house etc.

Fr. Tony Webb.